Spider-Sense and Sensibility: Spider-Man’s MBTI Type

When it comes to superheroes, Spider-Man is definitely a fan favorite. Over the years, we’ve seen different actors portray Peter Parker, the man behind the mask. Each actor brought their unique spin to their fictional characters, and their interpretations reflect different Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types.

Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man: The INFP

INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of Spider-Man in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy captured the INFP personality type. Peter Parker’s character is an ideal match for this personality type, as they’re known for their creative and idealistic nature.

Values and Empathy

INFPs like Peter Parker value authenticity and follow their moral compass. This trait comes to light as Peter grapples with the responsibility of his newfound powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider. His willingness to use his abilities for the greater good and his empathy towards others, especially after Uncle Ben’s death, are hallmarks of an INFP’s character.


Peter’s creative spirit is a true display of the INFP personality type. Unlike some other Spideys, he doesn’t invent web-shooters. But his creativity comes through in how he adapts and outsmarts his enemies on the fly. It’s a different kind of creative problem-solving. His character shows that creativity is not about gadgets, but about finding out-of-the-box solutions to life’s challenges.

Empathy in Action

Peter’s empathy isn’t limited to his interactions with friends and loved ones like Mary Jane (MJ). It extends to his enemies as well, seen when he tries to help villains like the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) and Sandman. His empathetic approach, a characteristic of INFPs, highlights his desire to see the good in everyone, even those who have strayed from the path of moral integrity.

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Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man: The ISTP

ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

Andrew Garfield’s take on Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man series is indicative of an ISTP—a personality type known for logical thinking and a hands-on approach to problem-solving.


This particular version of Peter Parker has a strong sense of justice and a knack for navigating through sticky situations in a calm and calculated way. ISTPs like Peter often rely on their practical nature and quick thinking to make the right choices, a trait that’s evident in his actions as Spider-Man.


While not as overtly creative as Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield’s portrayal illustrates a more tech-savvy side of the character. His interest in creating web-shooters and other gadgets to enhance his crime-fighting abilities reflects the analytical and inventive nature of ISTPs.

Empathy in Action

Peter’s empathy is still present in his interactions with characters like Gwen Stacy. ISTPs might not wear their emotions on their sleeves, but they show their care through actions. Peter’s determination to protect those he loves demonstrates his loyalty, another hallmark trait of ISTPs.

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man: The ENFP

ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

Tom Holland‘s portrayal of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) introduced a high-spirited and charismatic hero, who embodies the ENFP personality type.

Values and Empathy

ENFPs, like Peter, are driven by their values and strong moral compass and are not easily swayed by external pressures. His journey, from a high school geeky loser to a key member of the Avengers, is proof of his strong sense of self.

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Peter’s creativity goes beyond his superhero gadgets. In the MCU, we see his artistic side through his fascination with pop culture and his role as the school’s videographer. ENFPs are known for their creativity and open-mindedness.

Empathy in Action

Peter’s empathy is shown in his relationships, especially with his Aunt May and his fellow Avengers. He’s always ready to help those in need and shoulder the responsibilities of a hero. ENFPs’ have a natural ability to connect with others and understand their emotions.

A Sense of Responsibility

The idea of “with great power comes great responsibility” is at the core of Spider-Man’s ethos. Regardless of their MBTI type, all three actors portrayed this sense of duty, emphasizing the hero’s commitment to using his abilities to better society.

A Perfect Balance

Spider-Man strikes a perfect balance between his civilian life as Peter Parker and his superhero alter ego. This duality is important to the character’s appeal and is managed with ease by all three actors. They capture the struggles of a young adult trying to navigate high school, relationships, and crime-fighting.

Spider-Man’s Impact in the MCU

When Spider-Man swung into the MCU, it marked a big moment for both the character and the cinematic universe. His addition brought a youthful and relatable hero to the group and spiced up dynamics among the Avengers.

Iron Man (ENTP), Black Panther (INTJ), and Thor (ESFJ) added their own MBTI types, which brought on interesting interactions and clashes. Spider-Man’s MBTI type may change with the actor portraying him, but what remains constant is that he is a beloved superhero.

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